3 – Lists Tab:
Lists: This tab allows the track to maintain multiple lists the horse is currently on, as well as view history of past lists for this horse
List Type: These can be localized for a track or part of a subscription. Example: Racing Secretary list is typically a list specifically used by the track. "TX – Starters List" would be a subscription list for all Texas tracks to the starters list. Any track subscribing to that list would have ability to modify whether the horse was on/off that list as well as reason he was on it.
Date On: User must enter the date the horse was put on, mandatory field.
Date Off: This is the date the horse will come off the list. If the date is left blank the horse will stay on the list indefinitely.
Reason: This is a free form text of the reason/description for putting a horse on a list. If the list is a subscription list the track should put the track code in front of the text. Eample: HOU – Unruly in gate; must stand.
To edit a list, double click the line. This information will populate the fields at the bottom of the screen. Make adjustments and press ‘Save’ to store the new data.
Click in the link for details on Tab 4 - Lasix List