Horse Identification Report

The Horse Identification Report will produce a program that is mainly used by the Horse Identifier at the track. This report will print one race per page, and is designed to be folded in half lengthwise. The left-hand side will display the program number, horse name, breeding and registration number. The right-hand side will display the markings as described on the horse’s registration papers issued from The Jockey Club. The Tattoo number will also appear in large bold letters to make it easy for the identifier to view as they verify the identity of the horse in the paddock.

Race Date - Enter the date of the program.

Race Card - ‘Day’ is the first card of the day. If a second card is being run on the same day, choose Evening.

Letter or Legal – Choose if the program pages should be formatted for either letter or legal size paper.

View/Print – This button will produce a pdf file of the Horse Identification program.

Exit – will close this screen, and return the user to the menu.