Transaction Codes

The transaction Codes table is used by the system to calculate and record all transactions.  The table consists of transaction codes and their description, default accounts, hold types, and sort sequence.   Transactions can be added, deleted or modified as detailed below:



Creating or Editing a Transaction Code:

To create a new transaction code, press the <Add> button at the bottom of the screen.  A window will as follows:  Complete the following fields.  Descriptions of each field can be found below:



To Edit details on a single Transaction Code, highlight the code and press <Enter>.

The another window will appear similar to the example above.  Each field can be modified.


Details on each field follows:


Transaction Code:  When creating a new transaction, enter a Transaction Code between 2 and 4 characters in length.  Once this new code has been created, it cannot be deleted or modified.

Transaction Description:  Enter the description or name of the transaction code.  This description will be available for printing on the horsemen’s statement.  (See Statement Field Code 1&2)

Taxable Account Type:  If this transaction code is a type of ‘Income’, enter the Account Type of the Horsemen for which it is taxable.  In the example above, a ‘PU’ transaction is taxable to the Account Types of ‘B’ for both Owner/Trainer and ‘O’ for Owner. 

Default Debit Account:  If this code will always debit the same account, enter the account name and press <Enter> to scan for the account.

Default Credit Account:  If this code will always credit the same account, enter the account name and press <Enter> to scan for the account.

Statement Field Code 1 and 2:  These two fields define the data that will appear on the Horsemen’s Statement in the Description and Extra Description columns.  From the dropdown box, choose two from the following list: 

                  Account Name

                  Show Nothing

                  Check number – Payee Name

                  Horse Name

                  Jockey Fee / Jockey Name


                  Tran. Name – Org. CK Date

                  Other Type / Name

                  Owner / Horse Name

                  Race Name

                  Receipt Number

                  Race Date, Number, Orig. Finish

                  Transaction Name


Hold Type:  If when this transaction is used, the money is to be placed on Hold for a specific number of days, and then automatically release, choose the Hold Type from the dropdown menu.  (For more information on Hold Types, see documentation below).

Hold down to position:  This option is used for transaction types referring to purse monies distributed at the time of Race Finish.  If this process is used, the purse winnings will be put on hold until it is manually released via Held Funds Maintenance or “Release Held Purses”.  (See documentation on Held Funds Maintenance for more details).  An example of how this might be applied would be; if your track automatically holds purses for 1st and 2nd place finishers, then enter the number 2.

Sort Order:  The order the transactions appear on a Horsemen’s Statement can be set by the sort number given.  All transactions will automatically display in date order.  The user can define the order of all transactions that appear on the same date.  Smaller numbers will appear toward the top of the statement.  Smaller numbers, beginning with 255 should be assigned to all types of Income.  Examples would be Purses 255 - Added Money - 256, Breeders’ Cup - 257.  Larger numbers would be assigned to Expenses, such at Photo Charges – 1400 and Checks – 3100.