Account Balance Detail

This report generator will allow the user to create lists of accounts by specific account types and specific account balances as of a single date.  Details on each of the options follow:

Balance Date:  Enter the date the report should use as the ending balance date.

Account Types:  Choose an individual Account Type or choose multiple types, by holding down the <CTRL> key, and clicking on two or more types.

Balance Type:  Positive, Negative, Zero, Non-Zero, or All are the available choices.

Press this link to view instructions on how to generate a Negative Balance Report.

Sorting:  Choose from the following sort options:

By NameBy Total Balance,

By Account Type, By Name

By Account Type, By Total Balance

By Account Number


Activity Type:  Accounts can be chosen for inclusion based on the following list of activity types:  Racing, Non-Racing, All, or ‘Do Not Check Activity’.

Name:  If a name is entered into this field, the system will display data, only for accounts that include these letters in their account name.   In the example below, accounts with the letters ‘Baker’ in their account name will appear on the report. 


Account Balance Detail Report sample:



Another example of using the 'No Activity' option to obtain balances on accounts that have not had recent activity. Use this feature along with the balance type of Negative to list accounts that owe money. Likewise, if you choose the balance type of 'positive' you can obtain a list of dormant accounts with money that should be dispersed.


To generate a report displaying accounts with balances when they have not had activity, follow these steps:


Choose the Account Type

Balance Type (Positive or Negative)

Activity Type = No Activity

Use the Begin Date and End Date fields to specify the time period of no activity.