Daily Transaction Report

This report generator screen can be used to print complete details of transactions using the various output criteria.


Begin / End Date:  Enter the dates of the transactions to be included on the report.

Type of Transactions:  Four choices are available from the dropdown menu:  ALL, Racing, Non-Racing and Specified.  Racing transaction are defined as transactions that are created during the race finish process.  All other transactions are “non-racing”.  When Specified is chosen, the Transaction Type list box will appear on the screen.  Highlight the transaction type(s) that should appear on the report.

Sort Order:  The report can be sorted by the following two sort options:

1.  Transaction Date, Race #, Program #

2.  Transaction Date, Race #, Finish Position

Race #’s:  The report can be printed for ALL races during the date range entered, or individual races.  Multiple races can be selected by holding down the <CTRL> key while clicking on the race numbers.


When all choices have been made, press the <Print> button.  Subtotals are generated and printed at the end of each transaction date.  In addition, Race transactions will print subtotals at the end of each race.  A sample of the report follows:


Daily Transaction Report Sample: