The Void Previous Year Check process will let you void a check that was written on a previous bookkeeper system, such as the McKinnie System, provided the previous computer vendor was able to provide InCompass with a data file containing the previous year check information. The amount of the check will appear back into the horsemen's account, as of the date entered in the Void Date field.
Start/End Check #: Enter the starting and ending range number of the checks to be voided. If only one check is to be voided, enter the check number in both the Start and End number fields.
Void Date: Enter the effective date of the void. This will be the date the money is put back into the account. It can be the current date, or you can backdate the transaction.
Void Reason: Enter the reason you are voiding the check.
Search: After the data has been entered in the previous fields, press the 'Search' button. The system will list the check(s) to be voided onto the grid.
Select All: Places a checkmark in all checkboxes in the 'Select' column. If ALL checks should not be selected, using the mouse, place a checkmark into the individual checkbox by clicking once in the box.
Clear All: Removes the checkmark from the checkboxes in the 'Select' column.
Void: This button will Void the original check, and place the money back into the horsemen's account.
Exit: If no action should be taken, press the Exit button.