Overnight Reports

The overnight report is a summary of all the entries that were drawn in during the draw process. It also will include new ‘Extra or Alternate’ condition book races that were not in the original, published Condition Book, stake closing dates for upcoming stake races, and any announcements that the horsemen need to know. The report can be generated in either a Single column, or Double column style. Samples of each follow the description of the Overnight Report Generator screen.


Overnight – The Overnight can be generated in either a Single and Double Column format. Details of the screen follows, as well as examples of both formats:

Report Criteria:

Final or Draft - A Draft version of the report can be generated as many times as necessary until all changes have been made. The word ‘Draft’ will be ghosted over the page. When it has been confirmed that the report is complete and accurate, choose ‘Final’ to print a copy without the ‘Draft’ letters on the page. When a final overnight is generated the data will be sent to Equibase as well.

Race Date - Enter the date of the Entries that were taken today.

Race Card - ‘Day’ is the first card of the day. If a second card is being run on the same day, choose Evening.

Line Spacing for races - The spacing between each line of the races can be adjusted using the Line Spacing feature. 180 is normal spacing. To increase the line spacing, enter a higher number. To decrease the line spacing, enter a lower number.

Extra Races:

Track – If applicable, Extra races can be included at another track, included in this racing circuit.

Race Date – Enter the next date of live racing.

Race Card – ‘Day’ is the first card of the day. If a second card is being run on the same day, choose Evening.

Line Spacing for extras - The spacing between each line of the Extra races can be adjusted using the Line Spacing feature. 180 is normal spacing. To increase the line spacing, enter a higher number. To decrease the line spacing, enter a lower number.

Stakes Closings - Enter the Date range the system should search to include information regarding upcoming stake races.

Double Space - The user may choose to double space certain races. By checking the double space check box next to the race number, that race will be double spaced when the overnight is generated. This feature is commonly utilized on stakes races to draw attention to the stakes races on the page.

Break - The user may choose which race to break the column at on the double column format or which race to break the page at on the single column format.

Single Column Example:


Double column Example with a Double spaced Stakes Race: