Index Types

Use the following screen to modify the description of a condition index type, and add a sort order. The sort order is used by the system when generating the Condition Book Index. See related documentation in the Condition Book section of this document.

Index - this code is generated automatically by the system when a race is created in the condition book.

Description - When an index code is generated the description is set to the same name as the index code. The user may alter this description to anything they want. Example: C45000 is what is generated for a $45,000 claiming race. A typical description would be "Clm $45,000".

Long Purse and Short Purse - If the index is set on a race more than a mile, then that purse will be placed in the "Long Purse" field. The user may change this at any time and the next time a race is written that matches this index code and it is a long race then the purse for the race will default to this value. Same for Short Purse.

Seq # - This is the sort order of the index codes and how they will appear in the "Condition Book Index Report" The user may alter these numbers and resort at any in order to make sure that the index codes appear in the order the user wishes.

Index Group - For tracks who utilize a condition book index report format that group the races by class of race. This allows the user to set index codes to their class: "Allowance", "Maiden", "Maiden Claiming", Claiming etc. Hollywood is an example of this. (Show a screen shot of the Hollywood index for more details)

Plus/Inc Amounts - Works the same way as the purse. The user can alter/add the type and amount for defaulting.

Note: on all these whenever the index code is created the purse/inc/plus amounts are placed on the records.

The Print button will print the Index grid on paper for easier editing.