From within the Horsemen's Account screen, a check
request can automatically be generated by using the button
at the bottom of the screen. The system will open to the generate
check screen, with information from the account already completed. See
the example below:
Account: The Account name and number is displayed.
Address 1 & 2: The address from the Account Information screen is displayed as well.
Payee Name: There are two different ways the system will automatically populate the Payee name field. If the ‘Check Name’ field in the Horsemen Maintenance screen is ‘blank’, then the system will populate the Payee Name with the same name as the Account Name. If the system finds any data in the ‘Check Name’ field from the Horsemen Maintenance screen, the Check Name will appear in the Payee Name field. This name can be changed if the ‘Pay to the Order’ name on the check should be a name other than either of these two options. If so, type the new Payee name here.
Payee Address1 and Address2: The system will automatically enter the Address information as it appears on the Horsemen Maintenance Account Information screen. However, if the Payee name is modified, the system will delete the original Address information so the new Payee Address can be entered. The Payee name will also be displayed on the Check Register Report.
Balance/Held Amount/Available: Account Balance information will be displayed here.
Check Amount: The system will populate this field with the “available” balance in the account, and highlight the amount to make it easy to edit. If this is the amount of the check request, press <Tab> to go to the next field. If the amount of the check request is for an amount , enter the new amount and press <Tab>. Note: If the amount requested is a whole dollar amount, the decimal point and proceeding cents do not need to be entered. The system will automatically format the numbers into ‘Currency’.
Memo: Data entered here will print on the memo line of the check and check stubs.
Disposition: If the disposition method of the check is to appear on the check stub, choose from the choices in the dropdown menu. Available options for how the checks will be disposed of can be defined in the Admin Maintenance / Check Disposition table. Examples of available disposition codes are: Mail, Pickup, Fed-X.
Comments: Data entered in the Comments field of the Horsemen Maintenance Account Information Tab will be displayed here. This data will not print on the check.
Check Number: The system keeps track of the last check number printed. This number is incremented and set as the Starting Check number. However, the user can make a change to the number sequence in the event the previous check was damaged by the printer, or the original check stock was faulty.
Check Date: The system will populate the Check Date field with the current date. The date of the check can be modified. Either enter the new date or select the date of the check from the calendar.
Print Button: Before clicking the <Print> button, ensure check stock has been loaded into the paper tray of the check printer. With the check date and starting check number entered, press the <Print> button.
At this point, the Print Button will also validate the account balance and tax information before printing the check. If any account is missing information, the following warning message will be displayed:
If the amount of the check is more than the Available Balance, then the user will see the following message:
In the example above, the amount of the check request exceeded the total available amount in the account. The user has the ability to override the warning message and allow the check request to be processed, or to ‘Cancel’ the check request.
After the check has been printed, the system will display another message as follows:
Wait until the printer has stopped printing and the check has been visually verified that it printed successfully, before answering this question.
If there was a problem with the check, answer ‘No’. The system will return to the previous screen, ready for you to print again. To reprint the check, ensure the check number is correct and press the print button. To cancel printing of the check, press the Exit button.
When the check has been printed correct, press the ‘Yes’ button. The system will display another screen, giving the user the option to print a statement of the account. Edit the Beginning and Ending Statement Dates as appropriate, and press 'OK' to print the statement. Press 'Cancel', to exit and return to the Account Information screen.
Account History: As a convenience to the user, this button will display a copy of the statement of the account, incase the user needs to view the account before printing a check.