The Account Information tab contains the account name, address, participation status in programs, and balance information. A statement of the account, and checks can be printed from within this screen as well.
Active: With a check mark in the Active checkbox, the account is active and will appear in the scanner on your initial search and print on all Horsemen Reports. If the account will no longer be used, remove the check mark from the Active checkbox, and it will become ‘Inactive’. InActive accounts are not displayed in the scanner, unless you specifically request to view InActive accounts. See information about displaying InActive accounts on the Horsemen Scanner.
Account number: Displays at the top center of the screen.
Account Type: Choose from the following list:
Owner - Owner accounts can be created for individual horsemen or partnership accounts.
Trainer - Trainer accounts are created for horsemen that are strictly trainers, and will not be entered as owners. If your track has a trainer payroll policy in place, you will also need to have separate owner and trainer accounts.
Owner/Trainer - If a horsemen is both an owner and a trainer, one account can be created for him using the account type of Owner/Trainer. In the scanner, the Account Type will appear as 'B' for both. Note: Owner/Trainer accounts should NOT be used at any facility that participates in a trainer payroll program.
Jockey - Jockey accounts must be setup for all jockeys. All the race processes validate that only jockey accounts are entered under the Jockey column of each race.
Payee - Individual or vendor accounts that will not receive a 1099 from the track. Payee account examples would be: photographer or TRPB tattoo account.
Stake - A holding account is created for each stake race. The account will contain added monies, such as nominations, entry fees and start fees. The Race Finish process will disburse money out of this account into the horsemen's accounts. A statement can be run viewing all added money transactions.
Control - Bank Accounts, or separate accounts where money is deposited into or disbursed from.
Partnership: If the account is in an individual person’s name, indicate ‘No’. If the account is for more than one person, or in a Stable or Company name, indicate ‘Yes’. The Account name and First/Middle/Last name fields will change accordingly.
Sort Name: Enter the name(s) as if looking them up in a phone book. How the name is entered in the Sort Name field will determine how it is printed on reports when sorting by alphabetical order.
Additional Scan Name: The system will include any characters entered in the Add’l Scan Name field in it’s search. When the system finds a match on the characters entered, the account name will be displayed instead of the characters. For instance, using the example above: If the characters ‘Catta'’ were entered in the Search field, the system would find these letters and display the account name of Cantina Stables in the scanner. In this instance, the letters typed in your initial search would display something different from the letters entered.
Race Convert Line: The Race Convert line consists of the following three items:
Convert Name - If the account has been linked to a Racing Equibase
Account via the Race Convert process, the Racing Account name will be
displayed here.
Clear box - If the account has been incorrectly matched to the wrong Racing Account, the link can be broken by putting a checkmark in the ‘Clear’ box and Updating the Account. You will then need to go back into the account after the link is broken and relink the account to the proper Racing account.
Button - To manually link the HB account to a Racing
Equibase Account, press the Relink Button to display the following Equibase
People Scanner screen. Choose
the Racing Account by double-clicking on the name, or by highlighting
and pressing 'OK'.
Check Name: If this field is blank, the ‘Pay To Order Name’ printed on the check will default to the Account name. If the account holder requests to have their checks always made out to a name other than the Account name, enter it here. (Note: For a one-time change, the Payee name should be changed on the Generate Check screen.)
Address 1 and 2: Two fields are available if needed. The address information entered here is considered the mailing address and will be used for all reports and mailing labels. This address will also be used for IRS tax reporting, unless a separate tax address has been entered on the Tax Information screen.
City: Enter the name of the city.
State: The state is selected by pressing the first letter of the state until the right state appears.
Zip Code: Enter the five or nine digit code. Include the dash after the first five digits.
Foreign Address: If this address is outside the United States, choose the country from the drop-down Country field before you enter the city and foreign zip code.
Comment: Any data entered here will appear only on this screen, and on the bottom of the Generate Check screen. This information will not print on any reports or checks.
Created On: The date this account was established.
Account Balance: The total amount of money in the account.
Available Balance: The amount of money that is ‘Clear’ and available to be withdrawn, or used for claiming.
Held Amount: The portion
of the balance that is on Hold.
Track Specific Fields:
There will be several more fields on the right-hand side of the screen that are specific to each track. Some of the fields might be: Check Disposition, Authorized Agent, HBPA, Jockey Delegate, Chaplain, etc.
On Hold: When this field is checked the system will not allow any checks to be cut from this account. Non-racing transactions can be made, but the user must over ride a validation message stating that the account is On Hold. Racing transactions will not be affected by this type of hold.
On Hold Reason: This is a text field where you can enter the reason the account has been placed on hold.
Web Access Pin: - Horsemen can access their accounts via the internet using the InCompass Financial Services website. Horsemen need a pin number to assign their account to their web account. To generate a pin number, press the button at the end of the field. A new pin number will appear in this field. Remember to press 'Update' to save the new Pin number. Note: To deactivate the web access for this account, generate a new pin number. When a new pin number is generated, access for this account to the InCompass Financial Services website will be denied.
Update: The Update button will Save any changes to the account and exit back to the Scanner. Information can be entered or changed in each field and on each ‘Tab’ before updating is necessary.
Delete: An account can only be deleted if the account has not been tied to a race, via the Race Convert process, or if no transactions have been made to the account. When the delete button is pressed, the system will required the user to confirm the deletion a second time before the deletion is performed. Suggestion: If the account cannot be deleted, it can be made InActive.
Issue Checks: A check can be written directly from the account without going into the Generate Check screen. See documentation on Issue Check for complete details.
Acct History: A statement of the account can be printed by pressing the Acct History button. See documentation on Account History for detailed instructions.
Previous Year History: Some facilities have the capability of viewing and printing a statement of account activity that took place on a previous bookkeeping system. If this data is available for your facility, a 'Previous Year' button will appear at the bottom of the screen. See documentation on Previous Year History for more details.
Print: A copy of the data on the account will be printed when the Print button is pressed.
Exit: The Exit button will exit the account without saving any changes, back to the Horsemen's Scanner screen.