Creating a new Transaction

When Transaction Maint is chosen from the menu, the system will go to a screen where a new transaction can be entered.  Below is a sample of the screen, with field definitions following:



Transaction Date:  The system will pre-populate this field with the current day’s date.  The date can be changed to back-date a transaction, or to post-date a transaction to a future date.

Transaction Type:  Choose from the list of pre-defined transactions types by clicking on the dropdown menu with the mouse and picking from the list.  A shortcut method is to type the first letter of transaction type, and continue tapping that same letter until the type appears.   See the Administrative Maintenance documentation for details on defining Transaction Codes.



Multiple Deposit Transaction Codes for Reporting Purposes



Multiple Deposit Transaction Codes for Holding money until Cleared



Debit Account:  Enter the account number, or scan for the name of the account that is to be debited.  The account that is debited will have money removed from their account.  After the account has been entered, the Balance of the account will be displayed at the right-hand side of the screen.  Additional information about the debit account can be viewed by pressing the <Debit Acc Info> button.  The <Debit Acc Info> button will go to the Horsemen Maintenance screen of the account.  To return to the previous screen, press the <Exit> button and the system will go back to the Transaction Maint screen.  A statement can be viewed for the account by pressing the <Debit Statement> button.

Credit Account:  Enter the account number, or scan for the name of the account that is to be credited.  The account that is credited will receive money into their account.  After the account has been entered, the Balance of the account will be displayed at the right-hand side of the screen.  Additional information about the credit account can be viewed by pressing the <Credit Acc Info> button.  The <Credit Acc Info> button will go to the Horsemen Maintenance screen of the account.  To return to the previous screen, press the <Exit> button and the system will go back to the Transaction Maint screen.  A statement can be viewed for the account by pressing the <Credit Statement> button.

Amount:  Enter the amount of the transaction.  If entering a whole dollar amount, the proceeding cents can be eliminated and the system will format the number into a whole dollar amount.  Example:  fifty dollars can be entered as <50> and the system will format the numbers into $50.00 once the <Tab> key has been pressed.

Clear Date:  The system will pre-populate this field with either the current day’s date, or a  post-dated date as defined for the Transaction Type used.  See documentation on Transactions Types under the Administrative Maintenance section.

Description:  This is text field where information pertaining to the transaction can be entered.  This information is available for display on the horsemen’s statement.