Edit/Delete Transactions

When Transaction Maint is chosen from the menu, the system will automatically go to the Transaction Entry screen, ready for a new transaction to be created.  If a new transaction is not to be created, press the <Exit> key.  The system will move to the Transaction Search screen.



Before the transaction can be edited, it must be located.  Enter as much data into the six fields at the top of the screen as known about the original transaction.  Press the <Search> button.  The more information entered, the narrower the search.  The system will display all transactions matching the search criteria entered. 


Edit a Transaction:

To edit a transaction, highlight the transaction to be edited and press enter.  The system will open the transaction in the original Transaction Maint screen.   Make the change, and press <Update>. 


Delete a Transaction:

To delete a transaction, highlight the transaction to be deleted and press <Delete> to remove the transaction.  The system will ask you to verify your deletion.