The Race Setup screen is used to review all the races that were imported into the HB system via the Race Convert process. The user is able to edit any field and make changes as necessary to ensure all data is correct before purse monies are paid out. If your racetrack prints AE horses, (Also Eligibles), in the program, these horses can be deleted if they did not draw into the race. To delete a horse from a race, put a check in the checkbox in the Delete column on the horse line and press the <Delete> button. This horse, as well as the owner/trainer/jockey will be removed from the race.
Races can also be created manually. If for some reason the races were not able to be imported from the Racing Office via the Race Convert process. An instance of when this might occur would be if the track is going to run a non-parimutuel race that was not carded by the Racing Office, but yet, the bookkeeper needs to distribute purse monies. To set up a new race, press the <Add> button on the first Race Setup screen. The system will open a blank race screen, where all the information can be added.
As each race is reviewed, press the <Update> button. The system will proceed to the next race until all races have been reviewed. After the last race, the system will exit back to the menu. Note: Changes cannot be made to any race in the Race Setup screen, after Race Finish has been entered. Proceed to the next section for details on Race Finish.