Race Convert

The Race Convert process is used to import the race card and all information created by the Racing Office.  The process will only import the races after the final program has been printed by the Racing Office.  To begin the process, enter the date of the race.  The Race Card will always be a ‘Day’ card unless the track is running a double card on one day.  In that case, the first card will be the ‘Day’ card and the second card will be the ‘Evening’ card.  The ‘Race’ field should be left blank to import the entire card.  A race number can be entered here if only one race needs to be re-converted, to pickup late changes made by the Racing Office, such as horse eligibility.  Press the <Convert Race> button to begin the process.  You will know the process is complete when the navy blue line appears on the first horse name in the first race.



The screen will display information imported from the Racing Office on the left-hand side, and account names from the Bookkeeping system on the right-hand side.  The following is a description of each column of data:


Race#:  the race number as it appears in the printed program.

PP#:  the program number of the horse.

Type:  this is the type of account.  H for horse, O for owner, T for trainer, and J for jockey.

Racing Name: the account name imported from the Racing Office.

Bookkeeper Match: This is the account name from the HB system. 


The data will appear on the screen in Program number, post position order for each horse on the day’s card.  As the data was being imported, the process has automatically matched HB Account names to Racing Account names if the Account names are identical, or if the horsemen has raced at this track in the past and a Race Convert Link has already been created previously.  If the convert process was not able to automatically match the racing account to an HB account, the Bookkeeper Match field will be blank.


To begin, scan though each line verifying the data.  If the line contains a bookkeeper match, verify that the bookkeeper account listed is the correct account for the racing name listed.  If there is a blank in the bookkeeper match column, press <Enter> to match up the account.  The scanner will open displaying the Racing Account name you are searching for in bold at the top of the screen.  Search through the accounts in the HB system and try locate an account for the same person.  If the account is located, use the down arrow to highlight the account and press <Enter>.  This system will close the scanner and return to the previous screen.



If an HB Account does not exist, press the <Add New> button at the bottom of the scanner to create a new account.  For instructions on creating a new account, see the Horsemen Maintenance section of this documentation. 

A link will be created between the racing account and HB accounts, so the next time the horsemen runs, the accounts will automatically display matched on the Race Convert screen.  The Race Convert link can be seen on the Account Information Tab in Horsemen Maintenance.

The more times the Race Convert process is run, the more links will be created.  Eventually, only a few accounts for new horsemen will need to be created per race day.  The rest of the horsemen on the card will automatically be matched. 


If an account has been matched incorrectly with a Racing Account, the automatic link can be broken so the next time the horsemen is imported, the Bookkeeper Match name field will be blank.  To break the link, pull the account up in the Horsemen Maintenance screen, and place a check in the ‘Clear’ checkbox.  This will remove the automatic link.  An example of the Race convert link is displayed below:



Continue matching all accounts, and when all accounts have been found, press the <Update> button.  The system will validate that all accounts have been matched.  If one has been missed the following message will be displayed:



Press <Cancel> to return to the Race Convert process.  Press <OK> to continue to exit.  Note:  If all the accounts have not been matched, this process can be exited and the new accounts that have already been matched will be updated.  The user may exit the process without pressing <update> and continue the process later.  When returning to the process, all of the accounts that were matched up previously will not be lost.  The user can resume work at the same point that was reached before exiting.