
The Nominations menu option will automatically record nominations fees for all horses nominated to a race via the Racing Office.  A separate ‘NM’ transaction will be created for the owner of each horse.  Follow the steps outlined below:


Race Date – Enter the date the stake will run.

Race Card – The system defaults to ‘Day’.  The only time this should be changed to Evening is if the track is running two cards on the same day.

Condition Number – Enter the Condition number this race is listed as from the Condition Book.  Note:  This is the Condition race number from the Condition Book, and not the Race Number.  Condition Books can be obtained from the Racing Office.


  Press the Find button.  The system will search the racing database and populate the Race Name field with the name of the stake and the total number of nominations taken.


Transaction Date:  Enter the date the system should use to create the NM transaction.

Stake Account:  Enter the name of the Stake Account and press the scanner button.  The system will return the Stake account, or you have the ability to create a new Stake account.

Nomination Fee:  Enter the individual price of the nomination fee that each owner will pay.

Total: The system will calculate the total amount of the nominations for this race using the number of nominations entered by the Racing office, times the Nomination Fee amount.


Press the button.  The system will import the Horses, displaying the Racing Name and the Bookkeeper Match Account name for each horse. 


Review the names that appear in the Bookkeeper Match column.  If there are any missing owner accounts, use the arrow keys to move down and highlight that line.  Press the <Enter> key to go to the scanner and search for the account.  If found, highlight the account and press the <Enter> key.  The system will match the Bookkeeper account to the Racing Account name.  If the account cannot be found, press the <Add New> button to create a new account.  For help with creating accounts, see Horsemen Maintenance documentation.


After all accounts have been matched, press the <Update> button.  Transactions created will be displayed on the ‘Transaction Search Screen.’   Edit, Additions, or Deletions can be made from this screen. 


Nominations can be printed by generating a Statement from the Stake Account where the nominations were placed.