Hold Types

This table is used to define types of Holds, and the number of days the money will be held before it is automatically released.  The money will appear in the Horsemen’s Balance, but not be 'Available' for the horsemen to access until the money has cleared.  The transaction will appear on the Horsemen's Statement with a Clear-Date calculated for the number of days indicated on the Hold Type.   After the number of days specified have passed, the system will automatically add this amount of money to the 'Available' balance of the Horsemen's Account.



Enter the number of day for the system to hold the money and press Update.  


To apply the Hold, enter the Hold Type on the Transaction Code via Transaction Code Maintenance.   When the transaction code is used, the system will transfer the money into the Horsemen’s Account, and will appear as part of their total balance, but it will not be ‘Available’ until the number of days specified have passed. 


Note:  If you would like to hold only NET earnings, please contact InCompass to have this feature turned on for you.  Example:  When a race is run, the owner is paid a purse and is charged several different types of fees including a jockey fee.  By default the 'gross' earnings are held.