The Account Information tab contains the account name, address and tax information. There is also a section to record the name of the Bookkeeper/Office Secretary and their contact information. The fields on this screen is laid out to closely follow the Workmen's Comp Application form to expedite the data-entry process.
Partnership: If the account is in an individual person’s name, indicate ‘No’. If the account is for more than one person, or in a Stable or Company name, indicate ‘Yes’. The Account name and First/Middle/Last name fields will change accordingly.
Active: With a check mark in the Active checkbox, the account is active and will appear in the scanner on your initial search and print on all Horsemen Reports. If the account will no longer be used, remove the check mark from the Active checkbox, and it will become ‘Inactive’. InActive accounts are not displayed in the scanner, unless you specifically request to view InActive accounts. See information about displaying InActive accounts on the Horsemen Scanner.
Insured Name: Enter the name(s) as if looking them up in a phone book. How the name is entered in these fields will determine how it is printed on reports when sorting by alphabetical order.
All-State Policy: If this account has an 'All-State' policy, check the box to indicate 'Yes'.
Farm: If this account is a Farm account opposed to a trainer account, check the box to indicate 'Yes'.
DBA: If the trainer is 'doing business as' another name, list the other name here.
LA Racing Number: Enter the Louisiana Racing Number issued from the state licensing department.
Mailing Address on left-hand side of screen
Address: The address information entered here is considered the mailing address and will be used for all reports and mailing labels. Information entered into this address section will also update the Horsemen's Bookkeeper address fields.
City: Enter the name of the city.
State: The state is selected by pressing the first letter of the state until the right state appears.
Zip Code: Enter the five or nine digit code. Include the dash after the first five digits.
Country: If this address is outside the United States, choose the country from the drop-down Country field before you enter the city and foreign zip code.
Home Address on right-hand side of screen
Address: The address information entered here is considered the Home address which is the actual location of the home or farm.
City: Enter the name of the city.
State: The state is selected by pressing the first letter of the state until the right state appears.
Zip Code: Enter the five or nine digit code. Include the dash after the first five digits.
Country: If this address is outside the United States, choose the country from the drop-down Country field before you enter the city and foreign zip code.
Social Security Number and Federal ID fields: Enter the whichever Tax ID number the horsemen is using.
Bookkeeper fields:
Use the Name, Address and Phone number fields in this section to record the name of the person that assists the trainer or farm with their record keeping. If the horsemen has given permission for the bookkeeper to be contacted regarding information on his account, place a checkmark in the 'Approval to Contact Bookkeeper' box.
Update: The Update button will Save any changes to the account and exit back to the Scanner. Information can be entered or changed in each field and on each ‘Tab’ before updating is necessary.
Delete: An account can only be deleted if the account has not been tied to a race, via the Race Convert process, or if no transactions have been made to the account. When the delete button is pressed, the system will required the user to confirm the deletion a second time before the deletion is performed. Suggestion: If the account cannot be deleted, it can be made InActive.
Delete: If the account was entered by mistake and is not going to be used, it can be deleted. However, if the account has any activity, the system will not allow it to be deleted.
Exit: The Exit button will exit the account without saving any changes, back to the Horsemen's Scanner screen.
For details on the other tabs at the top of this screen, selection one of the other topics below: